Search Result (6)

DOS Memo from William H. Taft to Secretary of State Powell re: Photographing POWs and the Geneva Conventions. Summary redacted. Discussion explores the US position on photographing and/or releasing photographs of POWs.
State Department talking points memo entitled: Guantanamo: U.S. Policy on Detainees - May 5, 2003. The memo states: A process is underway to reach a final determination on all detainees. Each detainee will be prosecuted or continue to be detained ...
Memo, among other things, describes the U.S. government's application of the Geneva Convention with respect to the War on Terrorism and differentiates the U.S. government's treatment of detainees from the Iraq's treatment of American detainees.
State Department talking points on the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo. The main points being made are: 1) All accusations of mistreatment are taken seriously and fully investigated; 2) Torture and other forms of cruel treatment committed by ...
Dec. 23, 2004
Non-legal Memo
Ronald W. Miller
George W. Bush, Ronald W. Miller, Rexon Y. Ryu, JoAnn J. Dolan
DOS Memo from Arthur E. Dewey to Sec. Powell requesting an meeting with ICRC President, Jakob Kellenberger on either May 27 or 28. The purpose of the meeting is to exchange views on key humanitarian issues relating to detainees in Iraq.
Memo confirming Sec. Powell's meeting with International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Kellenberger on May 27, 2004. Meeting objectives include discussing ICRC’s ongoing concerns regarding the treatment of detainees in Afghanistan ...