Search Result (4)

Discusses a meeting that took place regarding an AR 15-6 investigation concerning incidents of detainee abuse at Radwaniya Palace, Iraq. Topics of discussion included: "four investigation files into significant incidents" at THFs, including two ...

Army memo to Navy NCIS requesting assistance in investigating CID Report #0841-04-CID259-80230. Details the basics of the above stated investigation into the alleged abuse of two prisoners. Includes the memos for transmittal of information, ...

Army CID division requests help from the Navy's NCIS division in identifying the facilities where a detainees stayed, the men who interviewed them, etc. The Final Information Reports give very brief outlines of the hours put into the ...

Army memo from CID to Army Detainee Abuse Task Force requesting assistance in investigating allegations of detainee abuse in connection with CID Report: 212-04-CID259-80249.