Search Result (683)

Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the document identifies individual agents who were asked to ...
Document responds to request for information regarding treatment of detainees at GTMO (Counterterrorism Division, Guantanamo, Inspection Special Inquiry, Case ID # 297-HQ-A1327669-A); the responding agent stated that s/he had nothing to report.
An FBI agent discusses a detainee interview conducted on 08/05/2005 that became violent. The agent details an exchange between the detainee and interrogator(s). The agent states that the detainee initially refused to leave his cell for an ...
June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo, Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti

This document has a collection of nine (9) sworn statements made by agents and others who were present or near by the interview room where detainee Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti lunged from his seat and attempted to attack the interpreter ...

June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo, Interview (Statement)
Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti
A FBI agent's statement of incident where he interviewed a detainee at Guantanamo on 08/05/2005. It was this agent who was bitten by the detainee as the detainee attempted to attack the interpreter. The agent states [the detainee] lunged out and ...
June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo, Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti
The document is a memorandum including the minutes from the SAAC Director's Advisory Committees Meeting held from March 21 through 25, 2005. The notes include information received from noted speakers/presenters and cover numerous other areas.
The document is an internal FBI email regarding the attached draft JTF-GTMO Executive Summary related to the interrogations of ISN (Internment Serial Number) 063. The memorandum details the detainment and interrogation of Detainee Maad al ...
The document is an internal FBI memorandum,outlining administrative policy changes to the Office of Professional Responsibility's (OPR) and the Inspection Division's (INSD) Delegated Investigation/Adjudication (DIA) program.
The document is an internal FBI memorandum, regarding the reporting process for detainee abuse allegations at Guantanamo Bay. The memorandum includes information on the different tracks for reporting, including legal and operations.
The document is a heavily redacted daily situation report from the Iraqi Task Force, detailing personnel numbers and status as well as a variety of figures related to detainees during the reporting period - including captures, transfers, and ...