Search Result (5)

Message concerning seriously mentally ill Guantanamo detainee stating; US authorities are of the view that he must be repatriated for long term care; in a meeting last week DOD Office of General Counsel advised of the urgency of finding a place ...
Nov. 23, 2004
David A. Kaye, Edward R. Cummings, Brent E. Blaschke , Eliana Davidson
This State department cable concerns a meeting between Amb. Pierre-Richard Prosper and Jakob Kellenberger, President of the International Committee for the Red Cross. The discussion focused on detention issues regarding Guantanamo, Iraq, and ...
Nov. 23, 2004
Pierre-Richard Prosper, Edward R. Cummings
State Department cable to Geneva Mission to deliver a letter to Theo van Boven, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, assuring him that "the [Guantanamo] detainees are not being subjected to mental or physical abuse," detailing nature of ...
State Department cable concerning a meeting with the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) regarding the global war on terror, status of detainees and military commission.
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, Edward R. Cummings, David A. Kaye, David W. Bowker, James Burger , Steven A. Solomon
State Department cable concerning a meeting with the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) regarding the Global War on Terror. The cable states there was an informal meeting with ICRC officials to discuss military commissions and the ...