Search Result (3)

This is a CID investigation into the death of Adnan Naif Hamid, a detainee at Theater Internment Facility (TIF), Camp Taji, Iraq. It is reported that Mr. Hamid was admitted to the TIF on May 7th and underwent medical screening. At the medical ...
Jan. 14, 2011
Investigative File (CID), Photograph, Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate, Physical (non-death)), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Adnan Naif Hamid
This is a CID Report in to the death of Muhammad Najib Abu-Wafa Ali, a detainee at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Hospital, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq on September 1, 2008. It is reported that Mr. Ali was witnessed falling when exiting his ...
Jan. 14, 2011
Investigative File (CID), Photograph, Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate, Physical (non-death)), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Muhammad Najib Abu-Wafa Ali
This is a CID investigation in to the death of Thabet Kalif Jabout, a detainee the 115th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Camp Cropper, Baghdad, Iraq. It is reported that on August 19, 2008 Mr. Jabout was admitted to the ...
Jan. 14, 2011
Investigative File (CID), Notes, Photograph, Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate, Physical (non-death)), Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Thabet Kalif Jabout