Search Result (10)

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A 30 year-old male Iraqi detainee states he received maltreatment at the hands of US forces at the Mosul Airport.The detainee reports being beaten when he was arrested. He states he was hooded; had hands tied behind his back; placed in a cold ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
Face slap or insult slap, General, Dietary manipulation, Other, Physical assault
The detainee states that he was captured by American forces in Baghdad, Iraq and was hit on the head with a rifle butt and kicked in the legs by a soldier during capture and once in custody.The medical report did not find any signs of injury.
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
Physical assault, General
Medical records of a 33-year-old detainee whose allegations of abuse were the subject of CID Report: 0191-04-CID259-80235;the detainee complains of an aggravation to an old injury. there are medical records of other detainees in this document ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
Physical assault, General
Medical report on a 30-Year-Old Iraqi male detainee wherein the detainee claims he was "tortured" and "[electrical] shocks" were used on him when he was interrogated. The medical exam did not show signs of trauma or abuse as complained of.
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
Face slap or insult slap, General, Use of electricity, Physical assault
Medical record of a 30-year-old male detainee who reported that he was hit on the head and shoulders with a pistol repeatedly. The incident happened three weeks prior to medical examination. Multiple healing wounds and scars were found on ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
General, Physical assault
a medical screening form for a 33 year-old Iraqi male detainee. The medical report does not indicate any abuse or current injuries. The report notes a burn on the patient's lower back, but gives no indication as to how the injury was incurred or ...
Medical report of a 27-year-old Iraqi male concerning his medical treatment following an allegation that a U.S. soldier repeatedly punched him in the stomach and that Kurds kicked him in the legs during interrogation in custody at the Baghdad ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
Physical assault, General
A 22 year-old male detainee reports while being interrogated that he was punched in the chest, choked and punched in the back. Happened six days prior to visit at the Al-Mahmudiyah Airport. No bruising evident.
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
Stomach/abdominal slap, General, Physical assault
A 17 year-old Iraqi male detainee, Basim Mohammed Hussein, complains of back pain after being beaten by coalition forces. Claims to have been beaten at a house near Al-Adamiya Palace. He was beaten for eight days, including having his head was ...
Medical evaluation for 21 year-old male detainee. Detainee claims to have his eyes covered, hands cuffed, no food or water for three (3) days, kicked, punched and had his feet stepped on at the Dhyla Al Mokhadia Base, Iraqi Civil Defense Corps. ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
Physical assault, General, Dietary manipulation, Environmental manipulation, Hooding/Goggling