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This CID investigation concerns an allegation of an assault upon a detainee while at FOB Headhunter. The detainee alleges that after he was captured he was hooded, was struck about the head and body by fists and kicked. He also stated he was hit ...
Oct. 01, 2008
Investigative File (CID), Photograph
Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, General, Threat, Assault/death
Sworn statement of a detainee. States that, following his capture on April 27, 2004, he was put in a compartment so small that he could only sit in it. States he was severely beaten in an attempt to force a confession, threatened with rape, ...
Report on an informal investigation conducted by Brigadier General Richard P. Formica into specific allegations of detainee abuse within CJSOTF-AP [Combined Joint Special Operating Task Force – Arabian Peninsula] and 5th SF [Special Forces] Group ...
This document is the Charge Sheet against Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie for his Court Martial on abusing Iraqi detainees. It includes the charges; Articles of the UCMJ he is accused of violating; details of the charges; Sgt. McKenzie's plea to each ...
July 01, 2005
Legal Memo, UCMJ (Court-Martial)
David D. McKiernan
Scott A. McKenzie
Face slap or insult slap, Walling, General, Assault/death, Stress positions, Use of phobias, Other Humiliation, Physical assault, Threat
The purpose of the memo was to provide updated information on the courts-martial involving allegations of military police's abuse against detainees in Abu Gharib Prison in Iraq. It outlines courts-martial on seven military police charged with ...
First Lieutenant Glenn A. Niles, Jr. assaulted three (3) detainees at Al Taji Police Station, Baghdad on July 30, 2003. He admitted to striking two (2) detainees in the stomach with a closed fist and kicking the third in the shoulder. A petition ...
Apr. 06, 2005
UCMJ (Court-Martial), Judicial (Transcript)
Glenn A. Niles, Jr.
Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, Threat, Assault/death
This is the second statement given by this Soldier/Interrogator concerning his observations and activities at Abu Ghraib prison. He states that he did in-fact witness Military Police and Interrogators "slap" and roughly handle detainees, ...
This sworn statement is a firsthand account of an Army Corporal with the 325 Military Intelligence Battalion who witnessed detainees at Abu Ghraib prison stripped naked, made to do physical training (PT) and humiliated. This Corporal stated that ...
Commander's report of a 15-6 Investigation and Courts-Martial, dated December 2003. This document pertains to allegations that U.S. soldiers broke the jaw of an Iraqi high school boy. There is evidence that suggests the 311th MI personnel and/or ...

Letter from Detainee's counsel to Army Claims Service for alleged abuse, torture and other mistreatment by U.S. Army in Iraq. The attorney is making the claim under the Military Claimns ack and seeks compensation in excess of $100,000.00. The ...

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