Search Result (3)

Sworn statements of three (3) detainees at Abu Ghraib. FIRST STATEMENT: Detainee states that he "was never hit in Abu Ghraib," but was mistreated between his capture and his arrival at Abu Ghraib. Describes being interrogated and hit "by an ...
This summarized statement of a female Sergeant, who served as an interrogator at Guantanamo between August 2002 and February 2003 on the Saudi Arabian Team. She states that she was aware that loud music; yelling; temp manipulation (using air ...
June 15, 2006
Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Sleep deprivation, Environmental manipulation, Light or sound, Temperature, Other Humiliation, Sexual
Sworn statement of a civilian contractor linguist from the Titan Corp. assigned to Abu Ghraib prison in July 2003. He states that he was one of the first group of linguists/translators to arrive at Abu Ghraib and the training on detainee ...