Search Result (55)

Collection of five (5) sworn statements about abuse in detention facilities in Iraq, attached to ACLU-RDI 2493. None of the statements report witnessing any physical abuse at Abu Ghraib, but all recount claims by detainees of abuse at other ...
June 30, 2006
Interview (Statement)
George R. Fay
Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, Sexual, General, Threat, Family/others, Use of phobias, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual
Sworn statement by a screener at Abu Ghraib prison regarding two (2) Iraqi women and their two (2) brothers detained at Abu Ghraib prison in January 2004. States, "One [brother] said he was raped with a bottle, and they mentioned another brother ...
June 30, 2006
Interview (Statement)
Physical assault, Sexual, General, Nudity, Sexual, Other Humiliation
Sworn statement of an Operations Sergeant who discusses interrogation practices. Refers to a detainee, "our number one target," who was captured by Iraqi police, who "beat [redacted] with the pistol to the point where his head was split open in a ...
June 30, 2006
Interview (Statement)
Physical assault, General, Assault/death, Light or sound, Hooding/Goggling, Nudity, Threat, Environmental manipulation
This is the deposition of Brigadier General Janis L. Karpinski regarding conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility. In her interview, Gen. Karpinski testified that she visited cell blocks 1A and 1B regularly; that Abu Ghraib housed juveniles ...
This document is the condensed notes of an interview of at Screener in Abu Ghraib Prison from Mid-December 2003 through January 2004. The interview is a verbatim rendition of the Screener’s statement and it is noted that the statement is to be ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
George R. Fay
Use of water, Other, Physical assault, Walling, Sexual, General, Use of electricity, Stress positions, Use of phobias, Sleep deprivation, Isolation, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual, Religious, Other
Sworn statement from civilian contractor with the Titan Corp. concerning his role and duties in the interrogation of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison in October 2003. Stated that he/she did not witness nudity, use of dogs (heard them) and heard ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Statement)
Physical assault, General, Sleep deprivation, Nudity, Other Humiliation
Interviewee was an Assistant Interrogation Analyst with the 302nd Military Intelligence Brigade. Recalled one occasion in which a MP pushed a hooded-"untruthful" against a railing, causing the detainee to bleed. "I saw a naked detainee who ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Transcript)
Physical assault, General, Threat, Isolation, Nudity, Forced physical training
Sworn statement, interviewee stated, I was asked to observe an interrogation which possibly fell on the border line [of inappropriate techniques]. Also, stated that he/she "heard of an unauthorized interrogation by three interrogators in SEP 03. ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Transcript)
Physical assault, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual
Abu Ghraib translator's sworn statement and responses to questionnaire. The translator claimed to have witnessed detainees who were physically abused, shaken, thrown into doors, and hit with footballs. Detainees were undressed and forced into ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Transcript, Questionnaire)
Physical assault, Walling, General, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual, Religious, Other
Sworn statement of a civilian contractor linguist from the Titan Corp. assigned to Abu Ghraib prison in July 2003. He states that he was one of the first group of linguists/translators to arrive at Abu Ghraib and the training on detainee ...