Search Result (8)

Collection of five (5) sworn statements about abuse in detention facilities in Iraq, attached to ACLU-RDI 2493. None of the statements report witnessing any physical abuse at Abu Ghraib, but all recount claims by detainees of abuse at other ...
June 30, 2006
Interview (Statement)
George R. Fay
Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, Sexual, General, Threat, Family/others, Use of phobias, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual
Sworn statement of a detainee. States that, following his capture on April 27, 2004, he was put in a compartment so small that he could only sit in it. States he was severely beaten in an attempt to force a confession, threatened with rape, ...
Sworn statement of medical personnel mentions being told of detainee's death from hypothermia. The detainee was brought in to the detention facility and was later transferred to a medical facility where he died. The allegations are that the ...
June 30, 2006
Interview (Statement)
Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, Sexual
Commander's report of a 15-6 Investigation and Courts-Martial, dated December 2003. This document pertains to allegations that U.S. soldiers broke the jaw of an Iraqi high school boy. There is evidence that suggests the 311th MI personnel and/or ...
This sworn statement is a firsthand account of an Army Corporal with the 325 Military Intelligence Battalion who witnessed detainees at Abu Ghraib prison stripped naked, made to do physical training (PT) and humiliated. This Corporal stated that ...
This is the second statement given by this Soldier/Interrogator concerning his observations and activities at Abu Ghraib prison. He states that he did in-fact witness Military Police and Interrogators "slap" and roughly handle detainees, ...
Interviewee was assigned to AG as a Member of the Military Intelligence Group (dates unknown). Recalled seeing MPs make detainees perform physical exercise, while yelling at them. This occurred either before a detainee was interrogated, but it ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Transcript, Questionnaire)
Use of water, Other, Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, Sleep deprivation, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Forced physical training
Testimony of Major Stacy L. Garrity, 800th Military Police Brigade. Major Garrity was the S1 for Detainee Ops at Camp Bucca, also the International Red Cross/Red Crescent point of contact. She was responsible for Theater Reporting that went to ...