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Collection of five (5) sworn statements about abuse in detention facilities in Iraq, attached to ACLU-RDI 2493. None of the statements report witnessing any physical abuse at Abu Ghraib, but all recount claims by detainees of abuse at other ...
June 30, 2006
Interview (Statement)
George R. Fay
Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, Sexual, General, Threat, Family/others, Use of phobias, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual
Report on an informal investigation conducted by Brigadier General Richard P. Formica into specific allegations of detainee abuse within CJSOTF-AP [Combined Joint Special Operating Task Force – Arabian Peninsula] and 5th SF [Special Forces] Group ...
Court Martial Records of SPC Megan Ambuhl, who did not participate in abuse of detainees, but pled guilty to Dereliction of Duty for not reporting the activities of MP and MI personnel at Abu Ghraib Prison. She was sentenced to forfeiture of 1/2 ...
In October 2003, Specialist Cruz participated in the abuse of detainees in the Hard Site at Abu Ghraib. Spc. Cruz and others ordered three (3) detainees to strip naked. The detainees were handcuffed together with metal handcuffs "to mess with ...
Apr. 06, 2005
UCMJ (Court-Martial), Judicial (Transcript)
Armin J. Cruz
Use of water, Water dousing, Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, Sexual, General, Stress positions, Use of phobias, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual, Forced physical training
This document is the condensed notes of an interview of at Screener in Abu Ghraib Prison from Mid-December 2003 through January 2004. The interview is a verbatim rendition of the Screener’s statement and it is noted that the statement is to be ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
George R. Fay
Use of water, Other, Physical assault, Walling, Sexual, General, Use of electricity, Stress positions, Use of phobias, Sleep deprivation, Isolation, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual, Religious, Other
Unknown interviewee was assigned to AG to establish connectivity of computers. Recalled an incident where an MI explained to an interrogator that a detainee was unavailable for interrogation because he had been interrogated for 10 hrs, stripped ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Statement)
Use of water, Other, Physical assault, General, Use of phobias, Sleep deprivation, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual, Other
Unknown interviewee provided a sworn statement in which he/she recalled incidents that took place at AG. The interviewee reported only overhearing things, not actually observing anything. Recalled a woman, a National Guard who recounted numerous ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Statement)
Physical assault, General, Stress positions, Use of phobias, Isolation, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual, Forced physical training, Other
Interviewee was assigned to AG in mid-October 2003 as a member of the Fusion Analysis Cell; interviewee had Top Secret Clearances. Recalled an incident occurring in the hard site, where the MPs had two detainees in the middle of the cell, naked, ...
Interviewee arrived to AG on October 6, 2003 as a member of the GTMO team consisting of CW3 [redacted]. Interviewee noted that it was his/her job to approve interrogation techniques prior to their use. Interviewee stated that he/she had ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Transcript)
Physical assault, General, Stress positions, Use of phobias, Sleep deprivation, Dietary manipulation, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual
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