Search Result (9)

Email exchanges concerning clearance for Q&A for D on release of torture documents "in case arises in context of Iraq testimony".
Emails between Cara Abercrombie and Josua Dorosin re: Detainees Policy and Status
Jan. 12, 2005
Cara L. Abercrombie
Joshua L. Dorosin
Cara L. Abercrombie, Joshua L. Dorosin
Email requests clearance for a Q & A on Detainee Issues. the commeents from Ms. Abercrombie is "All, the attached Q&A is 99% the same as one cleared last week. Please review and clear by 1200 tomorrow. This is for D's briefing to the SASC on ...
Email from Cara Abercrombie requesting clearance for an issue paper on detainees. No attachment included.
Email from Andrew Sagor to Todd F. Buchwald, Joshua L. Dorosin, Robin H. Sakoda and Cara L. Abercrombie re: Clearance/comments needed on red response letter, with an attachment not included. Mr. Sagor's comments are "S/WC1 has been tasked to ...
Email from Joshua Dorosin to Joshua Lipshutz re: Clearance/comments needed on red border response letter. With the comment "Josh - Can you clear this for UPM? Please call JoAnn at home to review with her and then send any comments directly back ...
Email from Jonathan Carpenter to Joshua Lipshutz re: Clearance/comments needed on red border response letter. With the comment "couple of suggestions. thanks. jc." The email is forwarding an email from Andrew Sagor with an attachment entitled ...
Emails between DOS Officials discussing the return of control to Iraq, particularly their control over prisons.