Search Result (7)

Theo van Boven, U.N. Special Rapporteur issued press release expressing concern about reports of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of Iraqi detainees by United States of America and United Kingdom military forces serving ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Theo van Boven
Address from Louise Arbour, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, to the Biennial Conference of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in Berlin, Germany on August 27, 2004. The address discusses, generally, global terrorist attacks with ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Louise Arbour
Frank E. Schmelzer , Sandra Day O'Connor
Yaser Esam Hamdi, Shafiq Rasul
Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs re: Swedish Citizen at Guantanamo Base Released
United Nations Report re: Preserving Civil Liberties and Fighting Terrorism Efficiently: Is It Possible?
Press release from Sweden's Ministry for Foreign Affairs announcing the release of a Swedish citizen who had been held at Guantanamo for over two years.
Dec. 30, 2004
Sharon E. Ahmad
United Nations Press Release: Iraq - UN Rights Report Delayed so Coalition Governments Can Provide Input
This is an article published in the Agence France-Presse concerning the release from Guantanamo of twenty-three (23) Afghanis back to Afghanistan and their journey back to their homes.