Search Result (226)

Fax of letter from a constituent to Senator Cornyn stating: "I just read a story about 3 CIA personnel who may have killed three prisoners. The Agency submitted their reports to the Justice Dept. Interrogations on non-Americans by the ...

John Cornyn
John Cornyn
An exchange of letters between Senator Charles Grassley and Assistant Attorney General William E. Moschella regarding the OLC's August 2002 memo defining torture. Senator Grassley initiated the exchange by forwarding to AAG Moschella for response ...
William E. Moschella, Charles E. Grassley
This email contains a letter from Marilyn A. Dorn, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), General Counsel's Office (GC), concerning four (4) legal cases: 1) United States v. CW3 Welshofer; 2) United States v. CW2 Williams; 3) United States v. SPC ...
Email, Letter
Marilyn A. Dorn
Marilyn A. Dorn
The document is a series of documents related to the service of a Major deployed as the Officer in Charge of the DH HAT Team. The document includes a personal letter from a member of the OIC's team, certificate of release/discharge from active ...
The document is a letter from the Defense Intelligence Agency, regarding the service and honorable discharge of a Marine whose name has been redacted.
The document is a letter from Assistant Director Eleni P. Kalisch of the Office of Congressional Affairs to Senator Patrick Leahy, regarding Senator Leahy's claim that FBI Director Mueller withheld key information about the mistreatment of ...
The document is a letter from Senator Patrick Leahy to FBI Director Robert Mueller, regarding the FBI's withholding of key information about the abusive treatment of prisoners in U.S. custody overseas.
Senator, Patrick Leahy
Robert S. Mueller
Patrick Leahy, Robert S. Mueller
This letter is from Jack Goldsmith to Scott Muller stating that he received a copy of the Inspector General Report on the CIA Enhanced Interrogation Program and is concerned about how these techniques are applied in practice.
This letter from Daniel Levin to John Rizzo is the Office of Legal Counsel's response to the proposed use of twelve interrogation techniques during the interrogation of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani and whether or not these techniques would violate U.S. ...
Letter regarding abuse of prisoners urging government to take steps in situation. Refers to Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba's report regarding the inquiry into the abuses at Abu Ghraib.
May 18, 2004
Kenneth Roth
Condoleeza Rice
Condoleeza Rice, George J. Tenet, Antonio Taguba, William J. Haynes, II