Search Result (77)

Sworn statement of a Colonel regarding detention procedures and policies at Abu Ghraib prison. He stated "I would want to know what we were getting out of the detainees and is anything coming out of them. If not, ... either release them or get ...
Sworn statement by US Navy Commander. Discusses detainee detention limits and extensions. States, "The facilities we maintained for detainee exploitation are austere but more than adequate." Makes no mention of abuse, and states, "The most ...
Sworn statement by a Major, who discusses detainee operations. States, "ICDC [Iraqi Civilian Defense Corps] interview techniques were a little rougher than ours and there was a guy that got slapped, so the commander decided not to leave ICDC ...
June 30, 2006
Interview (Statement)
Assault/death, Use of phobias, Threat
Navy Chief Petty Officer, Gunners Mate, discusses in-processing and handling of detainees. States that taped up goggles are put on detainees. Other units use hoods. States, "I've never seen anybody get kicked, punched, or sexually abused. Guys ...
June 30, 2006
Interview (Statement)
Stress positions, Environmental manipulation, Hooding/Goggling
Sworn statement by a Command Sergeant Major. States that detainees have "generally been blindfolded, hooded, or both." States that sometimes detainees were not immediately given blankets or mats, but "the longest I've seen someone without a ...
Sworn statement by an Administrative Specialist who has "guarded at the RPC facility about 4 times." States that "there's no indication that any detainees have been abused." Mentions that detainees are "handcuffed all the time in their cell." ...
Sworn statement by a PFC who has guarded at Abu Ghraib prison. Discusses detention procedures, and states, "I've never known a detainee to be denied lunch. They generally have in their cell water and a little snack.... Usually they have a ...
Sworn statement by a detainee who claimed to have served in the Iraqi Army as a technician. Detainee states that he was handcuffed and had a bag put over his head. He was held "for 17 days" with a bag over his head, "handcuffed to the floor." ...
June 30, 2006
Interview (Statement)
Physical assault, Sexual, General, Threat, Assault/death, Use of electricity, Dietary manipulation
Sworn statement of a translator regarding allegations of detainee abuse. The translator states that they have given statements in the past two (2) weeks and the current statement concerns a complaint by a detainee about being abused. The ...
Sworn statement by a screener at Abu Ghraib prison regarding two (2) Iraqi women and their two (2) brothers detained at Abu Ghraib prison in January 2004. States, "One [brother] said he was raped with a bottle, and they mentioned another brother ...
June 30, 2006
Interview (Statement)
Physical assault, Sexual, General, Nudity, Sexual, Other Humiliation