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Autopsy No: ME04-435; Riadh Mohammed Abd Al Razak, a 52 year old male Iraqi civilian, collapsed while speaking to other detainees while in US custody. Resuscitative efforts were unsuccessful. Cause of Death: Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Autopsy)
Riadh Mohammed Abd Al Razak
FBI Memo with emails attached concerning two (2) violent crime referrals: 1) Abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq; and 2) [Redacted] incident in Afghanistan. Both referrals have FBI Agents assigned and been deployed to to Iraq and ...
This is the Autopsy Report of Riadh Mohammed Abd Al Razak, a detainee at the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility (BCCF), Abu Ghraib, Baghdad, Iraq, It is reported that Mr. Al Razak suffered from coronary artery disease and a previous heart ...
Jan. 14, 2011
Medical (Autopsy)
Riadh Mohammed Abd Al Razak
Investigation into allegation by detainee that a US soldier kicked him in the back of the legs, back, and stomach while he was at a detention camp at Mahmodia, Baghdad. The detainee also reported he was hooded with a sandbag, handcuffed him with ...
Emails discuss an upcoming OSCE meeting. The author of the original email believes the treatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib will be a central focus of the meeting and wants to come up with a plan to discuss the issue and move onto other business.
Investigation into two detainees' allegation that they had been assaulted by U.S. forces while being transported from Camp Cuervo to Abu Ghraib. One detainee reported that the soldier who assaulted him said "It's all because of you mother ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Investigative File (CID), Photograph
Jacqueline J. Scott, John Peterson
Physical assault, General
Emails between FBI IOfficials concerning news from Iraq over Abu Ghraib prison. There is a reference to photos and awaiting a response from an unidentified Special Agent re his whereabouts when he was present at Abu Ghraib Prison.
When Soldiers were attacked with small arms and an RPG several Iraqi nationals were taken in to custody; tried; and convicted of the offence. This CID report is the record of that judicial proceeding. One Iraqi was found guilty of attempted ...
The memo summarizes legal actions / reprimands taken against Army personnel involved in detainee abuse. Included in the memo is a list of about twenty soldiers from different locations, including Commanding General Janis L. Karpinski who was ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Non-legal Memo
Janis Leigh Karpinski