Search Result (1339)

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Medical report on 28 year-old Iraqi male detainee shot in right side chest; paralyzed; on ventilator. The medical records do not state how the detainee received his injuries and does not give any personal information on the detainee.
This document is the continued transcript of the Article 32 proceeding against Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie. This transcript picks-up after a recess in the hearing. It starts at 8:00 am on September 1, 2003 and recesses again at 5:05 pm on ...
July 01, 2005
UCMJ (Article 32)
Scott A. McKenzie
Medical records of a 25 year-old Iraqi male, Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) admitted to hospital with gunshot wounds to the chest and associated injuries. The medical records do not state how the detainee received his injuries and does not give any ...
Medical reports on numerous detainees and their Treatment. There are a variety of ailments and injuries complained of. The ages of the patents ranges from early 20's to late 60's. Most of the records have handwritten notation by the treating ...
Medical report on 25 year-old Iraqi male detainee from Abu Ghraib Prison. Detainee was suffering from Gunshot Wounds to Leg and Shrapnel to Arm. The medical records do not state how the detainee received his injuries and does not give any ...
Report on detention operations function in Iraq. The report recommends consolidating the interrogation mission at one Joint Interrogation Debriefing Center under CJTF-7 command and states that "it is essential that the guard force be actively ...
Oct. 19, 2004
Oversight Report
Geoffrey D. Miller
CID Investigation in to allegations that a Non-Commissioned Officer and soldier from 19th Quartermaster( QM) Company, 240th QM Battalion, pushed an Iraqi civilian into the back of their truck, to an isolated area, robbed him of his watch and ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Investigative File (CID), Photograph
Jacqueline J. Scott, Thom Jones, Nelson van Eck
Physical assault, General
The interviewee, a Sergeant First Class with the 229th Military Police Company. Recounted the beating of a detainee after detainee was suspected of being involved in a mortar attack of a camp. The interviewee recalled two soldiers approaching a ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Statement)
Physical assault, General
Medical report on a 33 year-old Iraqi male detainee who was brought in to the hospital suffering from blast injuries due to an Improvised Explosive Devise (IED) he was working on that blew-up on him prematurely and gunshot wounds incurred while ...
Oct. 15, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
General, Physical assault
Autopsy No.: ME 03-386; other prisoners brought detainee forward to the prison gate complaining of chest pain. He reportedly participated in a fast that day. Detainee had a history of diabetes. A physician arrived 30 minutes after patient was ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate)
Abed Mohammed Najem