Search Result (7)

Letters sent from various individuals at Amnesty International to George W. Bush and Colin L. Powell requesting proper treatment of detainees at Guantanamo and in Afghanistan. The main theme of the letters is the US' violation of international ...
Letter from a British Citizen denouncing the President's November 13, 2001 Military Order: Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War on Terrorism. The letter also expresses the author's regret that six detainees, ...
Nov. 23, 2004
Colin L. Powell | George W. Bush
Colin L. Powell, George W. Bush, Frank E. Schmelzer
David Hicks, Moazzam Begg, Feroz Ali Abassi
Letter from a non-government official denouncing the President's November 13, 2001 Military Order: Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War on Terrorism. The letter also expresses the author's concern that six detainees, ...
Nov. 23, 2004
George W. Bush | Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, George W. Bush, Frank E. Schmelzer
Feroz Ali Abassi, Moazzam Begg, David Hicks
Letter from an activist denouncing the President's November 13, 2001 Military Order: Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War on Terrorism. The letter also expresses the author's regret that six detainees, including, ...
Nov. 23, 2004
Colin L. Powell, Frank E. Schmelzer
Feroz Ali Abassi, Moazzam Begg, David Hicks
Fax Cover Sheet from the Australian Embassy Washington to Ambassador Prosper re: Australian Detainee David Hicks and an Australian press item of 18 December, 2001
Dec. 30, 2004
Susan Dietz
Pierre-Richard Prosper
Pierre-Richard Prosper
David Hicks
This letter is from Leila Zerrougui, Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention under the United Nations Human Rights Council to U.S. Amb. Moley concerns the military detention of Feroz Ali Abassi, Moazzam Begg, David ...
Letter is from a 29 year old British citizen, with copies sent to Colin Powell, Jack Straw (UK Home Secretary), William Farish (US Ambassador to UK), John Howard (PM of Australia) and his local MP (Member of Parliament) in the UK. The letter ...