Search Result (133)

Questions for Alberto Gonzalez, during his confirmation hearing, including many related to the treatment of detainees

June 01, 2005
Interview (Transcript)
Patrick Leahy
Alberto Gonzalez
Alberto R. Gonzales, John D. Ashcroft, Patrick Leahy, George W. Bush, Colin L. Powell, Donald H. Rumsfeld, George J. Tenet

A memo directing DOD General Counsel Jim Haynes to establish a working group "to assess the legal, policy, and operational issues relating to the interrogations of detainees."  That working group would later recommend ...

June 01, 2005
Non-legal Memo
Donald H. Rumsfeld
William J. Haynes, II
Donald H. Rumsfeld, William J. Haynes, II
Hand written note from Colin Powell to Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz concerning a note from UK Foreign Minister Jack Straw.
Summary of comments made through media outlets by General Peter Schoomaker, General George Casey, Major General Geoffrey Miller, Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, President George Bush, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, General Peter Pace, ...
Instructions about message and direction of media queries concerning Abu Ghraib abuse. the emails states "[It is] strongly recommend that any responses to queries regarding MP training of any sort should be answered strictly generically and ...
Department of Defense talking points on Abu Ghraib detainee abuse which highlight how abuse is fundamentally against American military standards, how the majority of U.S. soldiers conduct themselves honorably, and how the abuse will be ...
Department of Defense talking points on the Abu Ghraib prison abuse. Main points include how disturbing the images are, how the Secretary and the DOD are taking the charges seriously, how the Department will hold violators accountable, how the ...
Army email on Abu Ghraib prison abuse media queries and where and to whom such inquiries should be directed
Department of Defense Memo re: Talking Points on Abu Ghraib Prison Abuse. Public release.
Army public affairs officer discusses a press briefing where the detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib prison and AR 15-6 reports being leaked to the press. Outlines questions anticipated based around the leaked Executive Summary.
May 16, 2005
Donald H. Rumsfeld, Peter Pace