Search Result (89)

Email refers to an attachment, which is a draft guidance on L memos as reported in a Washington Post report. Ms. Dolan's comments are: "Attached for input/clearance is draft guidance on L memos as reported in today's Washington Post report. We ...
Email exchanges concerning clearance for Q&A for D on release of torture documents "in case arises in context of Iraq testimony".
Email requests clearance for a Q & A on Detainee Issues. the commeents from Ms. Abercrombie is "All, the attached Q&A is 99% the same as one cleared last week. Please review and clear by 1200 tomorrow. This is for D's briefing to the SASC on ...
Email from Ronald Miller to Jeremy Caddel re: clearance for memo to Kabul from Prosper and Grossman. Mr. Miller's comments are "Amb Prosper spoke with U/S Grossman earlier today about sending this out under his name. Need your immediate clearance ...
State Department cover sheet for delivery of documents re: PCC Meeting on Detainees
Email between Jeremy Caddel and Ronald Miller re: Washington Times articles on changes in Afghan jails and Mr. caddels return from meetings involving the subject. mr. Caddell is stating that he is attempting tp obtain a copy of the Jacoby Report ...
Dec. 17, 2004
Ronald W. Miller
Jeremy D. Caddel
Jeremy D. Caddel, Ronald W. Miller, David W. Barno, Lowell Jacoby
Emails concerning press guidance regarding the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) and their February 2004 report.