Search Result (39)

This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, Pierre-Richard Prosper
This State Department Cable is entitled "Subject: May 3 Transfer of Detainees to Guantanamo". There is no other discernible information or context due to redaction.
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, Brent E. Blaschke , Pierre-Richard Prosper
This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, Brent E. Blaschke , JoAnn J. Dolan, Pierre-Richard Prosper
This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, Richard A. Boucher, Pierre-Richard Prosper, Ronald W. Miller
This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to inform foreign governments about the transfer of their citizens/nationals to Guantanamo after they were picked-up on the battle field of Afghanistan. It ...
Partially redacted press guidance for DOD release of draft military instruction, which lists/defines certain violations of laws of war and other offenses triable by military commission. The talking points instruct that if inquired about the ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Ronald W. Miller
Ronald W. Miller, Pierre-Richard Prosper
State Department cable announcing the release of four (4) detainees from Guantanamo to their home governments. The cable also states that the U.S. is willing to release detainees to home countries that are willing to treat the former detainees ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, Ronald W. Miller, JoAnn J. Dolan, Pierre-Richard Prosper
State Department cable draft response to questions submitted by an attorney for a detainee held at Guantanamo. This cable contains talking points to address the status of these citizens being held at Guantanamo. The cable goes on to state; 1) The ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, Pierre-Richard Prosper
State Department cable concerning Ambassador Prosper's March 10-11 Visit to Copenhagen for dialogue with Danish government. Includes summary of discussions of Guantanamo detainees, dialogue with NGOs, including questions of torture. Document has ...
Dec. 23, 2004
Pierre-Richard Prosper
State department cable concerning a visit to Stockholm by Amb. Pierre-Richard Prosper. Amb. Prosper met with senior Swedish officials and refuted arguments that U.S. acting outside international law because the detainees are unlawful or illegal ...
Dec. 23, 2004
Pierre-Richard Prosper