Search Result (59)

Email from Michael Corbin to JoAnn Dolan forwarding a cable from Ambassador Neumann concerning Bahrain's press front paged and headline on November 24 and the the Prime Minister's raising the Guantanamo detainee issue with "CODEL Issa". The ...
Jan. 12, 2005
Michael H. Corbin
JoAnn J. Dolan
Michael H. Corbin, Ronald E. Neumann, JoAnn J. Dolan
Email from Ronald W. Miller to Donna Boltz, Leeann Bormand and Eliana Davidson re: Final Fact Sheet for PD Package with the comment "For everyone's review/comment. Simply took DoD cleared PAG and incorporated into fact sheet requested by NSC at ...
Email from Henry Bisherat to Ronald Miller, Ed Cummings and JoAnn Dolan forwarding a "translated Sept.220 document by the Legal Advisor at the Swedish Foreign Ministry on the detainee issue."
Jan. 12, 2005
Henry Bisharat
Ronald W. Miller | Edward R. Cummings | JoAnn J. Dolan
Henry Bisharat, Edward R. Cummings, JoAnn J. Dolan
Email refers to a press guidance that requires clearance for a briefing. [Document not included].
Email from Laurel Miller with the following comment "rom detainee policy working group at OSD just called to give us the heads up a sensitive and potentially inflammatory photos of detainees being moved by aircraft in theater are now circulating ...
Emails discuss photos being circulated on the internet and by the media, the photos are said to be inflammatory, they apparently depict U.S. military officers transporting detainees.
Email refers to four cables, one apparently discusses detainee release and transfers. [Documents are not included].
Dec. 30, 2004
Ronald W. Miller
JoAnn J. Dolan
Charles L. Daris, Ronald W. Miller, JoAnn J. Dolan, Odell C. Dehart
Email from Henry Bisharat forwarding a press article quoting Swedish Foreign Minister stating that she expected the Swedish detainees at Guantanamo to be released "shortly".
Jan. 12, 2005
Henry Bisharat
Ronald W. Miller | JoAnn J. Dolan | Yvette M. Wong
Henry Bisharat, JoAnn J. Dolan, Ronald W. Miller
Email asking for clearance and comments from the Bureau of Counter terrorism.
Dec. 30, 2004
Ronald W. Miller
David L. Scott | JoAnn J. Dolan
Ronald W. Miller, JoAnn J. Dolan, Charles L. Daris, Eliana Davidson
State Department email with attached press guidance concerning the possible release of some Guantanamo detainees.