Search Result (24)

Email from Katherine MGorove to Vernell Staten and Mark P. Lagon re: Time Sensitive Request: PA Tasking. Partially redacted; involves setting up a meeting to discuss the OHCHR to release a report on human rights in Iraq.
Email discusses a recent speech by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Mr. Solomon states that the Ambassador would like to respond to the speech. The Ambassador is particularly ...
Email is in response to a previous message from Steven Solomon, which discusses a recent speech by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). The reply is redacted.
Emails discuss the Department of Defenses' recent release of documents, the documents apparently explained the types of interrogation techniques the U.S. employed in Guantanamo. However, the documents are being criticized as insufficient. The ...
Email from Steve Solomon to JoAnn Dolan forwarding an email from Joseph Casey to Lynn Cassel with the subject "Wall Street Journal to Publish International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) February Report." The comments from Steve Solomon to ...
DOS Memo from William H. Taft to Secretary of State Powell re: Photographing POWs and the Geneva Conventions. Summary redacted. Discussion explores the US position on photographing and/or releasing photographs of POWs.
Emails between Joshua L. Dorosin, Michael T. Peay and Edward R. Cummings re:Treatment of Guantanamo Detainees - Critical Herald Tribune Story, 10/30/02. The email is seeking guidance on Tribune's article about the maltreatment of Guantanamo ...
Email from JoAnn Dolan to Ed Cummings, Joshua Dorosin and Others re: PC Memo in Detainee-as sent. There is an attachment on the email, but the attachment is not included.