Search Result (28)

Email indicates that a document regarding a "torture notional statement" is attached. [Document is not included].
Emails discuss a news article and a Meet the Press interview. The original email states "Newsweek reports that they have obtained a series of OLC memos from the fall of 2001 forward, quotes a State Department lawyer as saying "we were horrified" ...
Email refers to an attachment, which is a draft guidance on L memos as reported in a Washington Post report. Ms. Dolan's comments are: "Attached for input/clearance is draft guidance on L memos as reported in today's Washington Post report. We ...
Emails discuss and include a cable from the U.K. Bar Association Chair and others expressing their opinion on interrogation methods utilized by the U.S. military in Iraq and Guantanamo. The U.K. Bar Association Chair stated that the "extreme ...
Emails discuss revisions made to talking points and an interview.
Emails discuss revisions to a document. [Document not included].
Emails discuss a summary on standards of interrogation of detainees at Guantanamo. [Document not included].
Emails between State Department officials concerning an article concerning the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) re-visiting the Guantanamo detainees. The email portion is heavily redacted.
Email from David Bowker to William H. Taft IV, James H. Thessin, Edwards R. Cummings, Joshua L. Dorosin and Todd F. Buchwald re: Draft list of priorities on International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Report. No attachment.