Search Result (408)

Email from Daniel Levin to John Rizzo discussing whether the use of twelve interrogation techniques in the interrogation of Sharif al-Masri would violate any U.S. statute, the U.S. Constitution, or any treaty obligation of the U.S.
An OLC memo to the CIA addressing whether the use of "twelve particular interrogation techniques (attention grasp, walling, facial hold, facial slap (insult slap), cramped confinement, wall standing, stress positions, sleep deprivation, dietary ...
FBI memo from interviewing FBI agents who toured through Camp Delta, Camp X-Ray and the Naval Brig at Guantanamo. The agents stated that they witnessed several acts of abuse and the memo provides their accounts in detail. Memo notes the ...
FBI memo detailing FBI agents experience and observations while touring Camp Delta, Guantanamo. This memo is related to ACLU RDI 4893, 4895 and 4896.
Handwritten notes of FBI agent deployed to Guantanamo. Agent notes are a timeline of his activities witnessing interviews and detainee abuse at Camp Delta, Guantanamo. The typed-out version of these notes are in ACLU RDI 4893 and email ACLU RDI ...

Handwritten note of an FBI agent who toured through Camp Delta, Guantanamo. These notes are related to ACLU RDI 4893, ACLU RDI 4895, ACLU RDI 4896 and ACLU RDI 4897.

In October 2003, Specialist Cruz participated in the abuse of detainees in the Hard Site at Abu Ghraib. Spc. Cruz and others ordered three (3) detainees to strip naked. The detainees were handcuffed together with metal handcuffs "to mess with ...
Apr. 06, 2005
UCMJ (Court-Martial), Judicial (Transcript)
Armin J. Cruz
Use of water, Water dousing, Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, Sexual, General, Stress positions, Use of phobias, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual, Forced physical training
This is the Court-Martial of Specialist Armin J. Cruz of the 502nd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Military Intelligence Brigade. SPC Cruz was charged with two (2) counts of maltreatment of a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison and pleaded ...
Feb. 15, 2006
UCMJ (Court-Martial), Judicial (Transcript)
Armin J. Cruz
General, Physical assault
This is the Court-Martial of Specialist Armin J. Cruz of the 502nd Military Intelligence Battalion, 504th Military Intelligence Brigade. SPC Cruz was charged with two (2) counts of maltreatment of a detainee at Abu Ghraib prison and pleaded ...
Feb. 15, 2006
UCMJ (Court-Martial), Judicial (Transcript)
Armin J. Cruz
Physical assault, General
FBI memo of interview of detainee at Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay concerning the "Portland 7" case in the United States. The agent reports that when the detainee was brought in for the interview, the detainee had a "black eye, facial cuts around ...
Jan. 02, 2007
Non-legal Memo
Physical assault, General, Face slap or insult slap