Search Result (513)

This memorandum of understanding is between the Joint Interrogation and Detention Center (JIDC) and all external agencies who want to house detainees in cell block 1A and 1B at Abu Ghraib. The stated goal of the agreement is to eliminate the ...
Jan. 14, 2014
Non-legal Memo
This fragmentation order to CJTF-7 concerns detainee detention operations. The order consolidates prior detainee orders and guidance and controls detention and processing of all civilian internees and enemy prisoners of war. This copy does not ...
This DOD memo for Attendees of the IC Leadership VTC from the Iraq Survey Group relates to the capabilities of the Joint Intelligence Debriefing Centre. A significant portion of this document is redacted.
This Coalition Provisional Authority memo provides a mechanism for facilitating the partnership between the Multinational force-Iraq (MNF-I) and the Iraqi Interim Government (IIG). It establishes a Joint Detainee Committee (comprised of ...
Jan. 14, 2014
Non-legal Memo
L. Paul Bremer
Document provides an executive summary of the death of a detainee, Manadal Al-Jamadi. Mr. Jamadi was pronounced dead at Abu Ghuraib prison on November 5, 2003. The executive summary is dated November 5, 2003 and states that "[w]hen MANADAL's ...
Jan. 14, 2014
Non-legal Memo
Manadel Al-Jamadi
This DOD memorandum establishes the interrogation and counter-resistance policy for security internees under the control of CJTF-7. The memo outlines various interrogation approaches when dealing with security internees.
Jan. 14, 2014
Non-legal Memo
Ricardo Sanchez
Ricardo Sanchez

A redacted March 4, 2004 non-legal memo from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). This paper "responds to an OSD request" seeking to enumerate the implications of releasing ...

Mar. 15, 2013
Non-legal Memo
Richard Butler
Amir Hamudi Hasan Al-Sadi
This document is a Memorandum for the Commander of the US Southern Command. The subject is "Counter-resistance techniques in the war on terrorism." Under "Tab A," the document lists an A-X of interrogation techniques.
June 16, 2011
Non-legal Memo
Richard B. Myers
This document is a Memorandum for the Commander of the US Southern Command. The subject is "Counter-resistance techniques in the war on terrorism." Under "Tab A," the document lists an A-X of interrogation techniques.
June 16, 2011
Non-legal Memo
Richard B. Myers
The document is a memorandum from the Department of Defense, regarding approved methods of interrogation. The document includes information on documents related to the Administration's interrogation policies, a congressional subpoena proposed by ...