Search Result (778)

530th Military Police Battalion-Camp Ashraf Mission Brief/PowerPoint presentation on the rights of enemy prisoners of war (EPWs). The presentation includes Geneva Convention articles and principles, which discuss the proper treatment of EPWs.
Jan. 05, 2007
Antonio Taguba
Antonio Taguba
This Army memo includes five letters of reprimand issued to Army officers, a Major, Captain, Second Lieutenant, First Sergeant and a Staff Sergeant, assigned to the Alpha Company, 588th Engineers Battalion. The reprimands were issued after an ...
Jan. 02, 2007
Non-legal Memo
This memo is designed to inform and instruct members of the 1st Force Service Support Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force on the collection and handling of Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees and other Detainees. The memo includes the ...
Army memorandum addressed to the Commander of the Combined/Joint Task Force (CJTF)-I80, Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. The subject is "Administrative Reprimand" and the document relates to an investigation conducted by the Army CID ...
June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo
Ricardo Sanchez
Detainee alleged that he was abused while in custody of US forces at Camp Bucca. The detainee claims he was wrongly arrested, beaten, sexually assaulted and had his money ($160,000US) stolen. Once released, detainee filed a complaint with the ...
June 30, 2006
Investigative File (CID)
Physical assault, Sexual, General
DOD Hospital Record for the October 7, 2004 Incident at Guantanamo Hospital when a detainee attacked an MP who was attempting to loosen the detainees restraints to make the detainee more comfortable. The detainee was subdued with a punch in the ...
June 30, 2006
Medical (Physical (non-death))
Mash Alawad Alhabiri
List of annexes to report by BG Formica.
June 30, 2006
Richard P. Formica

Appointment of Brigadier General Richard P. Formica as an investigating officer to "conduct an informal investigation into allegations of detainee abuse occurring while detainees were under the control of [redacted] and were detained at ...

June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo
Ricardo Sanchez
Richard P. Formica
Ricardo Sanchez, Richard P. Formica, John P. Abizaid
This document is part of an AR 15-6 investigative file with a chronology of the progress and steps taken to investigate abuses at the Abu Ghraib detention Facility.
June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo, Investigative File (AR 15-6)
Richard P. Formica
Memo from Major General Fay to Lieutenant General Sanchez stating that during the course of interviews on Abu Ghraib, five (5) detainees "reported possible abuse they believe occurred at other locations." Three (3) witnesses also "stated that ...
June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo
George Fay
Ricardo Sanchez
George R. Fay, Ricardo Sanchez
Physical assault, Sexual, General