Search Result (1469)

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This document is a series of emails discussing whether there has been guidance given to FBI agents in GTMO or Iraq about when they should stand clear because of the Department of Defense's interrogation tactics or notify an authority if the ...
Dec. 07, 2010
Valerie E. Caproni
This is an email to Valerie Caproni from a redacted agent discussing FBI conduct in Iraq. It states that Caproni's email regarding advice to FBI agents in Iraq is timely because agents have been complaining about the advice they received from CTS.
Dec. 07, 2010
Valerie E. Caproni
This document is a heavily redacted email exchange between Valerie Caproni and another official with the subject line "battlefield advice."
Dec. 07, 2010
Valerie E. Caproni
This document is a memo from the Director of the FBI providing guidelines on the disciplinary process within the FBI. He expresses his hope to draw a "bright line" is order to keep all employees aware of his expectations and sets out his vision ...
This document is a fax detailing the work by the FBI with detainees held by the Northern Alliance in Sheberghan, Afghanistan. it concludes that, at this time, no detainee can be considered "safe" and recommends several for transfer to Bagram and ...
This document is a series of emails relating a possible extradition treaty between the US and Iraq and the rules surrounding Miranda rights.
June 15, 2011
Julie F. Thomas
This document is a email chain discussing recommendations concerning interviews and interrogations made in a former email.
This is an email chain focusing on the prison transfer and potential of prosecution for one detainee. An official raises broader questions of what it means to participate in the interrogation of a detainee and how the FBI can not implicate ...
June 15, 2011
Valerie E. Caproni
This document is a lengthy email from a FBI agent who repeatedly expresses discomfort with FBI interrogation methods. He reports being "placed in a very precarious situation" and "asked to do something I fest was wrong given what FBI agents can ...
This document is an email chain discussing acquiring agents for an interrogation and the allowability of various interrogation methods. One email mentions that "due to the issues at Abu G prison," interrogations have been suspended but "will in a ...