Search Result (36)

This email is to ensure that all FBI personnel touring through Guantanamo Bay and who participate in interrogations of detainees adhere to the Bureaus policies on the treatment of suspects and their own personal conduct when conducting ...
This FBI email mentions disagreements between the DOD and the FBI on how to handle interrogations of detainees at Guantanamo bay. The FBI is advising DOD on techniques that were ineffective in producing reliable intelligence. Email cites example ...
FBI emails regarding interviewing strategies and insights on interrogation issues at Guantanamo. The email states "We met several interrogators...who we had dinner with. We discussed areas of mutual interests it pertains to interviewing ...
Dec. 15, 2004
Arthur M. Cummings, II
Email forwarding an FBI electronic communication up the chain of command. Email states "I am forwarding this EC up the. CTD chain of command. MLDU requested this information be documented to protect the FBI. MLDU has had a long standing and ...
Preparation of Gary M. Bald for testimony before the House Permenant Select Committee on Intelligence on Iraqi prisoners, including detainee interrogations.
This email contains a request for a list of personnel who were deployed to Guantanamo, Afghanistan and Iraq, particularly "that prison" in Iraq in late 2003. A list is provided, but is heavily redacted.
Email details FBI investigation of mistreatment, abuse or "highly aggressive" treatment of detainees in Iraq that are known or observed by FBI agents who have cycled through Guantanamo. The email states that fourteen (14) agents have witnessed ...

Emails concerning internal DOD news with this initial comment from Marion "Spike" Bowman: "I understand that there is/was to be a strategy session with FBI in about 10 days. I presume those in the FBI involved with this ...

FBI email attaching report that provides details from an individual who observed serious physical abuses of civilian detainees in Iraq.
An unidentified individual informed the FBI Sacramento Field Office of numerous physical abuse incidents of Iraqi civilian detainees he/she observed in Iraq. The individual described that such abuses included strangulation, beatings, placement ...