Search Result (27)

This is an NCIS investigation in to the shooting death of detainee Haskem Shefi Abdullah at the Entry Control Point 5 (ECP-5) on September 20, 2005 while being guarded. The Report states that as a US Marine was guarding Mr. Abdullah, and while ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Chart/List, Investigative File (NCIS), Notes, Photograph, Medical (Autopsy), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Haskem Shefi Abdullah
Physical assault
A CID investigation into the death of Adnan Mukhlef Sweidan, a detainee who died at the Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Control, Camp Bucca, Iraq on May 15, 2005. Mr. Sweidan died as a result of complications of thyroid surgery preformed on ...
Jan. 14, 2011
Chart/List, Investigative File (CID), Photograph, Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate, Physical (non-death)), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Adnan Mukhlef Sweidan
A CID investigation into the death of an Iraqi detainee Mobass Fahad at Abu Ghraib Prison on November 15, 2004 from Acute Myocarditis. Mr. Fahad was reported to have a history of seizures and asthma. He was treated at the Camp hospital, and was ...
Jan. 14, 2011
Chart/List, Investigative File (CID), Notes, Photograph, Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate)
Fahad Mobas
This CID investigation in to the alleged unlawful shooting death of an unnamed Iraqi male following a firefight. The Report states that on March 20, 2005, in the vicinity of Salman Pak, Baghdad, Iraq, a man who was engaged with coalition forces ...
Chart/List, Investigative File (CID), Notes, Photograph, Medical (Autopsy, Physical (non-death)), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Unknown Iraqi Male, vicinity of Salman Pak, Baghdad, Iraq
Physical assault
This is a CID investigation in to the death of Ajimi Berra Al Khattab, a former Major General in Command of Iraq's 6th Armored Division, Basara, Iraq; former Commander of Iraq's III Corps; High ranking Baa'th Party Member; and part of Saddam ...
Jan. 14, 2011
Chart/List, Investigative File (CID), Medical (Death Certificate), Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Ajimi Berra Al Khattab

Record data of all detainees who were treated in U.S. Army medical treatment facilities in Afghanistan and Iraq between December, 2001 and September, 2004.

Medical log book from the Hard Site at Abu Ghraib prison Medical Office listing the detainees and their ailments. Most information is redacted.