Search Result (787)

CIA copy of London Times article describing an invasion of U.S. troops into three Iraqi towns close to the Syrian border in an effort to flush out foreign Mujahidin fighters.
Mar. 15, 2013
David Teeples, Joe Busch
CIA-run LexisNexis search results for "Iraq War News" and "mowhoush." Results include twelve published news articles relating to the death of Iraqi General Abed Hamed Mowhoush while in U.S. custody and under U.S. interrogation.
Mar. 15, 2013
L. Paul Bremer
Abed Hamed Mowhoush
EIT, Hooding/Goggling, Environmental manipulation
CIA copy of a Los Angeles Times article reporting the death of former Iraqi general Major General Abed Hamed Mowhoush.
Mar. 15, 2013
Abed Hamed Mowhoush
EIT, Environmental manipulation, Hooding/Goggling
CIA copy of Associated Press article describing U.S. military efforts to stem the flow of unauthorized individuals and weapons into Iraq from Syria.
Mar. 15, 2013
David Teeples, L. Paul Bremer, Chris Alfeiri

This article describes the investigation into the death of an unidentified Iraqi detainee at the Abu Ghraib prison. A photograph of the detainee's body, which the LA Times calls one of "the most indelible images yet made public," ...

This May 24, 2004 Newsweek article discusses the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal. It describes legal justifications for the Bush administration's interrogation program.

A redacted PowerPoint presentation from the Defense Intelligence Agency's Middle East and South Asia Office. The presentation slides describe the DIA's Insurgency Database and criteria for the inclusion of Iraqi regime leaders and/or insurgents ...
This article describes inquires by the Army's Criminal Investigation Division and the Pentagon into the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq.
Mar. 15, 2013
Ricardo Sanchez, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Donald J. Ryder
CIA copy of a news transcript for an April 2003 DOD briefing discussing DOD policies on the Geneva Conventions, enemy prisoners of war, and war crimes, especially in the context of the Iraqi conflict. The briefing was presented by Bryan Whitman, ...
Mar. 15, 2013
Bryan Whitman, W. Hays Parks, Pierre-Richard Prosper
Physical assault, Sexual
CIA copy of an "Information Page" by the National Institute of Health on Cerebral Hypoxia, explained as a condition in which there is a decrease of oxygen supply to the brain, as can occur from drowning, strangling, choking, cardiac arrest, or ...