Search Result (10)

This CID investigation concerns an allegation of an assault upon a detainee while at FOB Headhunter. The detainee alleges that after he was captured he was hooded, was struck about the head and body by fists and kicked. He also stated he was hit ...
Oct. 01, 2008
Investigative File (CID), Photograph
Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, General, Threat, Assault/death

Investigation into allegations by senior Psyops officers in Afghanistan who witnessed indiscriminate assaults in May 2004 by Special Forces on villagers during raids in Gurjay and Surkhagen. Abuses included hitting and kicking villagers in ...

Jan. 31, 2005
Investigative File (CID)
Jacqueline J. Scott
Physical assault, General, Threat, Assault/death

NCIS report on the results of investigative efforts regarding allegations of abuse made by two detainees, Ali and Hassan, in Iraq. In one case, a detainee captured on February 8, 2004, alleged he was assaulted while being held at "al ...

Nov. 29, 2005
Investigative File (NCIS)
Physical assault, General, Other

Criminal Investigation Command (CID) report pertaining to the abuse of a detainee at an unknown location. The detainee alleged that he was forced to walk on hot pavement, punched and kicked all over his body, had his ribcage fractured, and was ...

Sept. 20, 2005
Investigative File (CID)
Ricardo Sanchez, Pamela Andrews
Physical assault, General, Stress positions, Environmental manipulation, Hooding/Goggling, Other

Iraqi detainee alleged that he was taken from his cell to another location by plain-clothed Americans who beat him in the head and stomach, dislocated his arms, "stepped on the [his] nose" and broke it, and stuck a pistol in his ...

Jan. 31, 2005
Investigative File (CID)
Jacqueline J. Scott, Thom Jones
Physical assault, General, Threat, Assault/death
CID Report of investigation into detainee's allegation that, as 2 U.S. soldiers and an interpreter entered and searched his home, a third U.S. soldier walked in and struck him in the mouth with the butt of his rifle. Medical record states ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Investigative File (CID)
Jacqueline J. Scott, John Peterson
Physical assault, General
Autopsy report, preliminary autopsy report, trauma record, death certificate, and hospital report of death relating to the death of Fras Moazahim Habib. The cause of his death was a shotgun wound to the chest. Additional shotgun wound paths ...
Apr. 18, 2005
Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate)
Fras Moazahim Habib
Physical assault, General
CID Report in to the Tigris River Incident, Samarra, Iraq, January 3, 2004. Charges were brought against ten (10) soldiers for their participation in the actions that led to the death of Mr. Fadhil and the cover up that took place after his ...
Sept. 20, 2005
Investigative File (CID), Photograph
Pamela Andrews
Zaydun Ma'mun Fadhil
Physical assault, General
CID Report regarding alleged abuse suffered by unnamed detainee at unknown location while in the custody of U.S. Coalition forces in Baghdad.
Dec. 30, 2004
Investigative File (CID)
Jacqueline J. Scott, John Peterson, Larry North, Thom Jones
Physical assault, General, Dietary manipulation
CID Report of investigation into detainee’s alleged abuse while detained on a military base in Fallujah. Detainee alleged the Kurdish Military and Iraqi Linguish abused him. Specifically, the detainee alleged that the linguist hung him by his ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Investigative File (CID)
Jacqueline J. Scott, John Peterson
Physical assault, General