Search Result (683)

This memorandum from the Office of the Assistant Attorney General to Alberto Gonzales examines the legal standards of conduct for interrogations under the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
An OLC memo concluding that the CIA’s proposed interrogation plan for Abu Zubaydah — which contemplates methods including “insects placed in a confinement box” and “the waterboard” — does not violate the torture statute.
This February 7, 2002 OLC memo from Jay Bybee finds that the President has "reasonable factual grounds" to determine that no members of the Taliban militia are entitled prisoner of war status under Article 4 of the third Geneva Convention (1949).
Aug. 31, 2016
Legal Memo
Jay S. Bybee
Counsel to the President
Jay S. Bybee
June 13, 2016
Non-legal Memo
Attorney General
This note from the Counterterrorism Center is heavily redacted and discusses the implications of a detainee being granted POW status and potential violations of the Geneva Convention.
Background paper on redacted subject sent by Stanley M. Moskowitz, Director of Congressional Affairs at the CIA. Cover letters identify recipients of paper as congressional staffers Michael W. Sheehy, Tim Sample, Al Cumming, and Bill Duhnke, and ...
This document contains a citizen's letter to President Bush voicing disapproval that Afghan prisoners are not treated like prisoners of war and includes an attached article from the San Francisco Chronicle. The document also contains an August ...
May 15, 2012
George W. Bush
Anne Crowther
This February 7, 2002 memorandum announces to the vice president, secretary of state, attorney general, CIA director, and others that the President accepts the legal conclusions of the Department of Justice that the Geneva Conventions do not ...
May 15, 2012
Non-legal Memo
George W. Bush
Richard B. Cheney
Colin L. Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Jay B. Stephens, Andrew Card, George J. Tenet, Richard B. Myers
This document contains a chart labeled "Detainees-Limited Access" from the National Security Council Distribution Receipt West Wing Desk. The chart contains a list of government officials under the "addressee" column.
The document is an internal FBI email, regarding interrogation techniques and strategies to be employed in interviews with Detainee #63 at Guantanamo Bay. The email details the parties participating in the development of the interrogation ...
June 15, 2011
Judd Alan Gregg
Mohammed al Qahtani