Search Result (142)

Emails between Stephen Wiley, Marion Bowman and Others re: Guantanamo. Contents completely redacted
Feb. 06, 2006
Stephen R. Wiley, Marion E. Bowman
Email from an FBI Official to Stephen Wiley concerning Guantanamo Interviews. The email states "At your request I contacted [redacted] who advised that Senate staffer who works for Sen. Gregg is interested in gaining background into in ...
Feb. 06, 2006
Stephen R. Wiley | Frankie Battle
Stephen R. Wiley, Frankie Battle, Judd Alan Gregg
Email from Stephen Wiley to FBI Official re: Guantanamo Trip. Email discusses pending trip to Guantanamo.
Feb. 06, 2006
Stephen R. Wiley
Stephen R. Wiley, Andrew Arena
Email from FBI Official to FBI Official re: Trip to Guantanamo and Meeting with General Miller Email states "We learned that neither Andy Arena nor the Miami ASAC will be coming to GTMO. Apparently, FBIHQ is scaling down their presence for the ...
Feb. 06, 2006
Andrew Arena, Geoffrey D. Miller
The email is un-redacted and reads: "Attached is a document that describes in detail the recently enacted GTMO rewards program. I think it is a positive step in the management of detainees, but in terms of inspiring them to cooperate, it falls ...
Email discusses a need the author had to discuss interview tactics with Frankie Battle. It is also an issue the author wanted to discuss with SAC Wiley.
Feb. 06, 2006
Frankie Battle
Stephen R. Wiley, Frankie Battle
Memo synopsis indicates that the memo discusses the CIRG/BAU's assessment of the interview process in GTMO. Also, it reads that the has a "Copy of a Letterhead Memorandum (LHM), suitable for dissemination to outside agencies" enclosed.
Email discusses the non-uniform interview techniques of the military and law enforcement officials. States that the CITF are formulating a policy for their agents. The email states "Looks we are stuck in the mud with the interview approach of the ...
The Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF) interviewed two detainees at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to learn of camp conditions. The interview was conducted by the FBI and other agencies. One detainee explained that since being detained at ...
Dec. 21, 2005
Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Physical assault, General, Stress positions, Other Humiliation, Other
The Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF) interviewed two detainees at Camp Delta to learn of camp conditions. One detainee informed the interviewers that in response to the "mistreatment and injustice that he and his Muslim brothers have ...
Dec. 21, 2005
Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Physical assault, General, Other Humiliation, Religious