Search Result (7)

800th Military Police Brigade Tactical Operations Procedures.
DOS Daily Press Briefing Index. Lists topics to be discussed included, Terrorism- Detainees at Guantanamo/Geneva Convention/International International Committee for the Red Cross/Australia situation.
Dec. 30, 2004
Richard Boucher
Richard A. Boucher, Beth Jones, Charles L. Daris
The index lists this document as: Shift Log 23 dec 02. Heavily redacted. "Detainee seen by medic at 21:30 hours. His vitals were normal. Detainee taken to the latrine and exercised a couple of times during the night".
The document is a list of employees taking military leave, with names redacted but BPMS titles and total military hours listed.
This document contains a chart labeled "Detainees-Limited Access" from the National Security Council Distribution Receipt West Wing Desk. The chart contains a list of government officials under the "addressee" column.
These slides contain part one of a two-part presentation given by Dr. Bruce Jessen to future interrogators at Guantanamo Bay on how to overcome Al-Qa'ida Resistance based on "recently obtained Al-Qa'ida Documents."
Feb. 03, 2017
Chart/List, Other
Bruce Jessen
EIT, Threat, Assault/death, Family/others, Isolation, Other Humiliation, Other
These slides contain part two of a two-part presentation given by Dr. Bruce Jessen to future interrogators at Guantanamo Bay on how to overcome Al-Qa'ida Resistance based on "recently obtained Al-Qa'ida Documents."
Feb. 03, 2017
Chart/List, Other
Bruce Jessen
EIT, Threat, Isolation, Other Humiliation, Other