Search Result (87)

Medical report on 25 year-old Iraqi male detainee shot in the face and hand. Detainee was suffering from extreme facial trauma and respiratory distress when brought in to hospital. The medical records do not state how the detainee received his ...
Medical report on 25 year-old Iraqi male detainee from Abu Ghraib Prison. Detainee was suffering from Gunshot Wounds to Leg and Shrapnel to Arm. The medical records do not state how the detainee received his injuries and does not give any ...
Medical report on 27 year-old Iraqi male detainee with multiple gunshot wounds to the chest, torso and abdomen. The medical record notes that the detainee suffered the gunshot injuries one (1) month earlier, and was in both the Enemy Prisoner of ...
Medical record for 35 year-old male Iraqi detainee shot in the left femur. The medical records do not state how the detainee received his injuries and does not give any personal information on the detainee.
Medical report on a 22 year-old Iraqi Soldier, Kurdish, suffering from the effects of a car bombing in Baghdad, Iraq. The soldier suffered Zygotic Orbital Fracture, a Maxillary Fracture and Shrapnel Wounds about his body.
Medical records on a 20 year-old Iraqi civilian male who fell off a moving vehicle and fractured his skull and de-gloved his scalp. The gentleman was brought in to the hospital for treatment and was cared for by U.S. medical personnel, treated ...
Medical records of a 33 year-old Iraqi detainee who was shot in the right thigh causing a fractured femur and he also suffered third (3rd) degree burns to both feet. The medical records do not state how the detainee received his injuries and does ...
Oct. 04, 2005
Medical (Physical (non-death))
General, Physical assault
This document is the continued transcript of the Article 32 proceeding against Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie. This transcript picks-up after a recess in the hearing. It starts at 8:00 am on September 1, 2003 and recesses again at 5:05 pm on ...
July 01, 2005
UCMJ (Article 32)
Scott A. McKenzie
This Article 32 Proceedings concerns an accusation of an incident of detainee abuse at Camp Bucca. Iraq. The subject of the hearing is Sergeant Scott A. McKenzie, a female Master Sergeant and a Specialist accused of knocking down, punching and ...
July 01, 2005
UCMJ (Article 32)
Scott A. McKenzie
Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, Sexual, General, Stress positions
Discusses the Article 32 investigation into four military policemen charged with abuse. Abuse counts involve seven (7) EPWs. Abuse includes kicking, striking, dragging, punching and twisting detainees arm. All names redacted. Details the ...
May 16, 2005
Non-legal Memo
Daniel V. Wright