Search Result (166)

This Army memo includes five letters of reprimand issued to Army officers, a Major, Captain, Second Lieutenant, First Sergeant and a Staff Sergeant, assigned to the Alpha Company, 588th Engineers Battalion. The reprimands were issued after an ...
Jan. 02, 2007
Non-legal Memo
Email references September 2003 Sanchez memo on "CJTF-7 Interrogation and Counter-Resistance Policy" and asks for a signed copy of the "current policy". The email states "You're listed as the POC on Interrogation end Counter-Resistance Policy ...
This detainee Screening Report is a standard form letter for processing detainees taken in to custody. The detainee associated with this Screening Report is redacted. The report details a male detainee. Words "MI HOLD" are written on top.
This detainee Screening Report is a standard form letter for processing detainees taken in to custody. The detainee associated with this Screening Report is redacted. The report details a male detainee who is handicapped. Screener's name is ...

Report on an AR 15-6 inquiry into treatment of a detainee captured by a SEAL team in January 2004. This is the conclusions and findings of the investigator. Several soldiers state that SEALs performed a battlefield interrogation, during which ...

June 30, 2006
UCMJ (Article 15)
Physical assault, General, Threat, Assault/death, Stress positions, Cramped confinement, Other Humiliation
This DOD memo discusses and addresses the legality of detaining people in Iraq after the assumption of Iraqi governmental authority on 06/30/2004.
Coalition Provisional Authority Cable to Secretary of Defense discussing Amb. Jones Meeting with International Committee of the red Cross concerning conditions in Iraq and specifically the bombing of the ICRC HQ in Baghdad. Heavily redacted.
June 15, 2006
Donald H. Rumsfeld
Donald H. Rumsfeld
These emails between Army Officers details which Military Police Units received Law of War, Prisoner of War and Detainee operations training along with the training documents contained in their training.
This Army Developmental Counseling Form was issued to a soldier that supposedly had an interaction with a detainee at Camp Bucca, Iraq wherein the detainee was not following the soldiers instructions and the soldier said in response " These guys ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Investigative File (CID)
Religious, Other Humiliation
Powerpoint presentation providing "a proposed way-ahead to develop policies that govern how the Army/units/Soldiers handle detainees from point of capture to conviction or release, to include a review of common task training and specialized MP ...