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Army Memo: Appointment of Investigating Officer

Nov. 23, 2003 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 4825
This memo discusses an official's appointment to Investigating Officer for the purpose of conducting a formal investigation, pursuant to Army Regulation 15-6, into the circumstances surrounding the capture and detention of three Iraqis (a man and his two sons). The appointed investigating officer determined that two of the three detainees who were captured on November 22, 2003 sustained significant trauma to the head after being detained by Alpha Company 588th Engineer Battalion officers. While in transport, handcuffed and sitting, two detainees were kicked/struck in the back of their heads by the soldier(s). Other injuries sustained by one or all of the detainees were an injury to the left eye, and cut on the lower left lip. The investigating officer recommended that the offending officers either receive a letter of reprimand, counseling on proper detainee handling and/or non-judicial punishment.