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Criminal Investigative Task Force (CITF) Interview of Guantanamo Bay Detainee re: Detainee's Association with the Taliban

Sept. 14, 2004 | DOD | ACLU-RDI 1930
Detainee states that he is a member of the Jama'al al-Tabligh (JT) organization, which he claims is a peaceful organization and not associated with the Taliban. The detainee did admit that he joined the Taliban, but states he only did it because he was forced. He stated that he was taught how to set anti-tank mines by the Taliban, and that a notebook on mechanical engineering was from his school. He also states he was abused when taken in to custody and only admitted to being part of the Taliban when a knife was put to his throat.
  • 2004-09-14, Bagram Air Base (Bagram Theater Internment Facility), Afghanistan
    • An Afghani detainee states that after he was taken in to custody he had a knife put to his throat to make him confess to being part of the Taliban. He also stated that he was forced to carry sandbags; scrub floors; and clean urine buckets.